If you ever met Hugo I think you would like him. He's very fluffy and he's a Mane Coon (a Mane Coon is a kind of cat). Hugo is orange and white (not to mention his feet are black from walking in the flower bed) and is very cute...but he's not a girl. He's very big, very heavy, and also very fat. Hugo wants to go in the attic even though he doesn't know that there's rat poison in there. He purrs very loudly and when he's really happy he gets in weird positions on the bed.
Hugo is crazy about birds, but he's too chicken to get a bug. His most favorite things to eat are tuna, chicken, and cat food. Every time my mom goes up the stairs Hugo races her. He was born in Mexico and we got him for an early Christmas present. Now, since he's gotten used to us, he runs away from my little sister Audrey, who is four years old. Hugo knows why to run away from her: because she clipped off his whiskers and she shut the door on his tail. Don't worry, he's a nice cat. But beware if you are like my sister.
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